Full nutritional value competence, with 130 years of experience.

Zwicky has been known as a leading Swiss specialist mill since 1892. Our trademark, the little gnome holding an ear of wheat, dates back to the turn of the century. Then as now, the little gnome stands for the high quality of the products. State-of-the-art production facilities controlled with know-how developed over the long term ensure permanent continuous development of our quality standard.
Thanks to a specialist process – the full nutritional value of the growth and vitality substances, the vitamins, minerals and trace elements is naturally preserved for a long time in our products.

Muesli + Flakes

Muesli + Flakes

Whether you are looking for the basis for your own muesli recipe or ready-to-eat muesli – click here.



What started out as a gluten-free flour that helped make perfect cookies evolved into an entire product line.



We started using organically grown ingredients in our "Bio" organic products over 30 years ago.